One Piece chapter 812

What… what is this? Tye st>auj mutes Who bib this to Bib Where is everyone?

2/3,7- funk forræss, This fortress …is a living space once used by our ancestors long ago. Since ancient times, zuneska has carried… …tue entire history of minkdom on its back!! The trading clothes our- sider5.. Wow, outfit looks like it belongs to someone important. Them to mt?! Sign of friend- ship! Indeed. these clothes are a national treasure. Of course. we want you to have them. Gfircflö!o Yoo Rbrvb

What is this “garchu& Some kind of miracu- lous magic spell? Buzz off!! no love for the /ules!!! Cn say is, Whoa Iil Cop- Wait!!! 110 110 Vabep

Where’s momo? Still holed up in his room. Seems to keep aim cal/„t.. Plus, it’s better if his human form isn’t seeu.. Föbflwtd Ab, good point! ! Where’s the medicine, caesar? Doctor caesar i’ve come for tae medicine! More! stop slacking!! 1 am medicine p-don’t get man, confused cedar!! Of 11m Curses! why must 1 wke medicine to help people?! Ok, baron corpse… you have some fans waiting outside. So Cc

You’re Well!!! 00 Mommy!! family and friends!! My heart nearly stopped when 1 saw the It is all thanks to the straw hat crew. How many years has it been you since were here, pekoms? it’s goop to see you. 1 can’t believe this happened!! Vamn you, jack of the animal kingdom

Look down there!! it’s the big mom pirates!! That is pekoms, once an infamous problem child. you know him? So he’s a mink too. Une mot!! >lthsc, bon’t You were our trump carv to deal with voflaminco. Sam That! ms, Vw tuat bur-fy and the others have beaten him, we von’t need you. When div we become bros? What viv you vo to big mom? Okay, 1 accepted a grant for some research, anv 1 wasn’t getting any- where with it… …so 1 lied to them and pocketed all the instead!! What can 1 say? 1 had voflamingo backing me, so 1 cot carried away!!! Sounds like you earned this.

Well, if they just want caesar, that’s fine and goop. I’mconna fwd e you w mew world, k/ck your blt… The problem is, viv pick a fight with big mom already. …and announce that f/sh-mån /sunp/s my territory!!! Black-leg. work should together rip of to those two?! (f:iäji and we kinda busted up their ship too!! Hey, we get Eek Nami and the rest of you stay here. Black-leg! what about my brilliant assassina- tion pla.. Not taking advice from idiots who don’t consider the conse- quences. Brook, come with me! Cer- tainly.

What vo you want… …big mom pirates? Let’s not make this a big veal. The people of this land… …are in tatters, physically and emoi!onally. Look, the only thing 1 can say is…thanks!! growr.’! rub 1 hav no home was in this terrible 5tate!! ! You are my saviors! how can 1 ever thank you?! 40 , Sob..

Thud Settles it!! the mission’s a failure!! Mama’s orders were to capture caesar, which we’ve been working on… but there’s a new order that’s bound to spell disaster for the straw hats. Just give us caesar!! i’ll explain to mama.. …that we let…tke straw hats escape… Wait, pekoms!! have you lost your mind?! Never your business personal!!! 1 can’t do anmlng to the people who saved the lives of my family anv friends!!! Ski-it up, new guy!! i’ll take the fall for it!!! Cloum! Bud-p Dirty rat!!

Whaaat Shot his own guy in the back!! Hmph! He’s actually a well- respected pirate, you know. And you see what a soggy sack of tears he became when let he his emoi!ons call the shots.. Well, ae’s useless now. I’ll po the job!! Come on out! Hl.ih Hlih

R ど 02

You know who 1 am, right? I’m considered to be a member of tue same generation alongside your captain!! What kind of powers does he have?! I’ve cot the castle- castle fruit. Castle- man, Pirates F/retanz Of the Captain People came out of his stomach?! 300 m/u/on berries 1 could have so when destroyed 1 thought him with 1 saw cannons people in too… his hand earlier.. but …that we’re wasn’t my keeping this sockets quiet!! playing tricks on me!! That’s in our best interests as well as yours!!

If the minks come now, they will poubtless take your side. Hl.ih Vito!! bring the other rwo over!! Yes, sir!! I’m aware of their skill in battle. S-sorry!! we were curious!! Nami W-we thought there were oust two of them!! Chopper Neo gou got two seconbs vou mg come men out sch too, >k’sm stone shotgu”s srqtühkb… bull Two… One…

Wait, wait!! B0h’t shoot!! Caesar So… we’re all here now… Urcu Il/ibt Uuu By the way, were there no sea prism stone bullets in those guns. …but 1 vo have one spear mave of tue stuff. Now… Come into my castle. Vamu..he’s holding the reins now. This is an order!! Let’s talk someplace more com- portable.

There we are…

How you feeling? want some vinner? Not hungry. Glass of wine? Said Just get this over with!! Die. vie. I’m gonna i’m gonna For mama’s tea part, you see. Since we met at sea one so week ago, impatient, circumstances this have…changev. guy… 1 have an invitation for you here. The main event this time is a wedding. Il The groom… sanj/, th/rp son of the v/nsmoee family. The br/pe, pupping, 35th pauckter of the charlotte family!!!

Corner Question Sbs ,øtr Q: greetings, oda sails sensei! of in some of 2 chapter the tammia 800 of yontamaria (ni volume of tamaria). the ships 80, i rank said since 3 noi!ced of the tammia yon that columbus means ships? the (san ride does “four,” the tamaria) on are a 3 and these insignia tamaria? of the also, representation concept is egg of taken the from “egg the of columbus”? a: good •amurai call. that’s -three ryota rieh-t: ranks -there skips so are in {ke nifamaria yom-tamaria san-tamaria skips -that clee±. bieees-t skips -take -tka± there one -the is are lead, -the are (nitamaria) sliek-tly another mother-ship, lareers *ive and {ke yonfamaria. (happosai) (ipposai) meanwhile, sars (santamaria) happosui have big one happosai and seven armored ipposai ships. hajrudin’s (yontamaria) viking-style naglfar. bartolomeo’s weird ship. ideo and leo so don’t ideo have cauek-t orlumgus. skips, a ride with need -to course, {kis you remervger- don’t in*ormation! any 118

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