One Piece chapter 805

What kind of weapon is that?! 1 felt a momentary electric shock!! Intruders in the whale Yes, it’s bav news!! It might anger the guarpuns Are they humans?! or animals?! H-hey, you!! where’d you get those clothes?! What viv you po to nami,

Dont be moun They eat people. Unse bon’t eat Wow, what a jump!! Can you see anything, Is that what the minks are capable

Kab000h..l!’ 1 can see him!! we might be too late though… There’s a visturbance in whale forest!! straight through kurau cit!! Should have figured!! Get on, carrot Let’s hurry, warney Coming We don’t have time to take youteia there!! just follow my instructions!! On the right is 2/gktrump forest! head there and turn left at tue deep dark swamp! From there, you’ll find yourteia crew’s corpse is ahead in 2/chtfunk forest!!

Wait for us at rightflank forest!! we will find you there later!! Fhl/p./ Pop, Will theyteia be all right?! That was the straw hat pirates!! Hi..ih They’re going to be shocked. We can’t help that! what’s pone is pone!! The one who just infiltrated the whale forest… …is most likely the pirate, straw hat luffy. S,t.s He must be theirteia captan.. …but he will receive no mercy…

Whhhhhh!!! thc crws’ co»ses me “hod!! they’ve all been killed!!! Well, if their bodies are still intact, that rules out being eateu.. that’s nor tye issue!!! Calm down… twirly-brow’s with and he wouldn’t screw up anv let them get killed. That’s right! you know they wouldn’t go down that easy!! To rattle anv manipulate us!! Indeed. qulte unbeliev- able. Traffy, your crew is supposed to be here, yes? You able to get in touch with them? No… This one belongs 1 didn’t expect to ever see them again, after all… …to oug navigator, pepo. Yeah. Oh right, that talking polar bear! is he a mink Oh, right. 1 forgot 1 have this vivre card.

This is his home- town!! But he doesn’t remember muck about the island. R 4.. He left this place at a young age. Zrrd.. He’s been with me for ten years-4e can be trusted. we should head straight for him if we want accurate intel. Are you suæ it’s safe? 1 think there was a town straight ahead! Let’s co. it’s better than trusting some strange animal’s instructions. Meanwhile, whale forest… Wait, stop!!! •00m!!

That’s enough! stop right there!!! Know that guy!!! Eva- Know him or not, he’s still an intruder’! Eozou

We’ll just have to stop you by force!! 00k…wky doesn’t the electro work on himcara?!! Pon’t interfere Jean bart Oof Oh crap!! we can’t keep ’em unver What monstrous strength R/ckt there, guarpuns

Some- thing waw!! Bananas Bananaåås!o Tuat worked out…i guess? Hssss-—— Urrgu Whale forest guarp/an m,’nz) 20m Art,’ Whale forest &uarp/an corlu mink) bb cbucebace)

Dog?! Youteia must be stuw hat luffy. Wanda! weteia mean no harm. So stop resisting. Ba7tle3east tree wan” Ea7tlebeast tree (rabbit wnk) carrot 1 vivn’t vo ann.41ng–tkey just attacked me!! Man, this place is full of mysterious people. Like an island of choppers!

Lick! Tuat is because youteia entered the forbidden forest. Forgive him, guardians! i will take him away at once. Pick) Out of respect for you, wanda.. roddy, 3b, pucc back!! J9v Hmm Pedro Members All What Whoa ej’8

We were surrounded Be crateful that it was not a moonlit night. Odt 1 cm)lt Oco Rtmtmb€r Hug?! hey, you’re traffy’s talking bear!! We’re traffy?! the no, 1 work heart for ptrates!! trafalgar law!! We saw it in the newspaper! a man, rusk what of crazy so news!! we’re in an alliance now, alia?! Yeah, that’s saiv• No, it’s not! ! Is the captain with you?! Heart pirates navigator (assistant &uarp/ån) bepo uj>orig gvw! who yeah, that?! ht.!? with Us. Traffy is law. I 0010)) Is fitrt)) (14. Ste

Kuråu cm, wpple of the elephants back 1 think we can assume that this was an attack of some kind. This is big enough to house hundreds of thousands… Oh no!! this place is bad news!! …anv every single one seems to be gone without a trace… Let’s get outta here!! as soon as we find sanji’s Look… there are still signs of recent activit. It must have happened not too long ago… Whoa!! we can’t hang out in suck a visible location!! Tue enemy could be lurking nearby, waiting to strike!! Can’t even be sc-ire if the enemy is human. Lots of marks that look like claw slashes. 90 Is this a torture device… ?

69 And look at these giant footprints!! This from an elephant Given the claw marks, it could have been infighting. Was the land of the minks… All that’s certaiu.. …is tuat this country came to a swift, dramatic …just a week or two ago!!! Ujhhhht Then… what about sanji’s team?!!

Colla%ed The moeomo pukepom has existed for centuries. just half a month ago, 1 remember tue smiling faces of our people!! And that’s why there’s no one around? The name of the one who ruined our land… It’s Whoa! was that an earth- Climb No, climb onto warney!! 1 will take you to 2/gktfune! To yourteia friends!! Great! so that’s where sanji is!! Hmm?

Gunma) Kobayashi, (masamichi Corner Question Sbs Q: i have a request. draw please the childhood of the versions don quixote –lnvincible family! a: gum-gum okay, sure. i’ll -the skip ones i’ve drawn already as kids. Pica Diamante Trebol Lao g Monet Pink Sefior Volume!! Next You See Sbs -the All Tkaes

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