One Piece chapter 804

Tec#wpo b1ftn/qqe__ g&esnsdfold/! Ter/ Dlvek,

Pueeeh Kin’emon!! kanjuro Aaaak They pell opp!!! Pamn! what was that thing that just fell past us?! 1 von’t know! at first 1 thought it was a blood-drenched person stuck full of knives… …but then it looked like a baby monkey. Ww woulp you f/r$t?!! At

K/n’e— monnn Unju- roooo Vip they fall into the sea?! We gotta go save That’s kin’emon Well… ! Oh good, he’s alive!! Come on!! we’re friends!! Ahead… Hey, vragon! start climbing down… We shall catch up before long… Let’s co down and get them!!

Pracon! turn back.. Seems like he ust wants to finish his dury as qi.jick as he can. Ms too cruel! we can’t tell tms poor back!! Poor guys in pain. let’s ust let aim take us. So clite. Sorry, cws, we’re g0/ng ahead!!! we’ll meet up uteri!! Ddo Baa Hmm Unper- stoop!!! You can Pid you guys hear that unfamiliar voice mixed in d with them too? Oh no, you don’t! no eatry! Goon aheap…

It’s the top!! Hunk, Yoo- coo-do- cn-d0- almost it!! there!! Nosuke You can Pragon Ryunosuke dragon!! Nosuke Yoö-cn- do-it!!

Ryuuunosuke!!! w aa aaa Nosuke Ssshh What a joke. It’s just a crappt vrawing. Sit butts b01üt1 about you’kt shtlmg!!! We’re in a strange, unfamiliar land. pont turn back. Always concen- trate on what’s ahead of you!!! Ujo>kcb to gct us bce!! Look! that’s tae country’s front gate. An entire civilizatiou.. on the back of an elephant. There’s lookout tower there. Von’t see any guards… Seems dangerously undermanned. quqs all busmess, no ythkt.

Hey, usopp! come check it our! it’s really neat!!! Wow, you climbed that fast!!! Tms /ncrep/ble The back of an elephant This There’s a thousand- year-old elephant… There are forests, rivers and even towns!! ! …with a country on top of it!!! You’re right!! it’s its own island! ! !

But…tkere’s something… …about that town… Sl//shi/ Moo). Luffy jumped pown!! What else is new… you see eyebrow? Zolo! shouldn’t we wait for kin’emon and kanjuro? The place is big, but it’s not a landmass. No! at least, not from here! Let’s just He vivn’t need to jump over tue gate’s already wipe open. Hang on! rather walk through than ump. These gates weren’t left opeu.. They were snapped off the hinges.

Good point! and there’s something wrong with tue road here! It’s a little too wide to be an animal trail in the woops. It looks like a trail of pestruct/on to me!! Anv a fresh one, at that! are they all right?! We gotta be careful. Whaaat We don’t know thing about the people who here live ..ånp they’ve got enemies?! Chik.. Vamn Hard to walk on this surface. Because it’s elephant skin. Flowers grow in opp locations here.

What happened to The lesser minks just waltzed right through the gate. Maybe they beat 0000k Its a town Hellooo Wow, there’s no one here!!! what’s up with this place?! it’s falling apart! Sanui!! nami!! chopper!! brook!! Oh, Forg€t him.

Can’t enjoy we a trip nice, to peaceflil for What’s the big idea..? Sense faint traces of What happened here?! …and Gas Ivy”, somethidg Ga@k Are

She floated upward While midair!! In Stop Urcu

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